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Infos congo - Actualités Congo - Premier-BET - 08 avril 2024

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Salima - 21.06.2020 - @B.Michel, are you sure everyone talking here including yourself use their proper name? What is B.Michel means? Isn't a pseudo? Do you know what a pseudo mean? Can you tell everyone and since you follow similaire social media throughout the world that using pseudos is the common rule rather that the exception. People use pseudos for convinience, boy. Mobutu sese seko pseudo-ed himself as Debanzy in reference to Banzyville. I use SALIMA to honor someone, that's it. You weak mind! Why indeed one has to exhibit his full identity here, a forum full both of ANR of the old and new regime. Why? By the way, I am writing to you in English as you tried to show you are also fluent in English. Nobody insults nobody here. We talk DRCongo, a country belonging to all of us. We use pseudos as a way of expressing ourselves freely, calling things and people by the names they deserve. Got it?

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