RFQ for Vehicles for Local Posting

RFQ Number: COD-V2019-0506-K

Country of Delivery: Congo DRC

Issued by: Abt Associates, Inc.
                  6130 Executive Boulevard, Rockville, MD 20852

Bid Issuance Date: May 14, 2019

Bid Closing Date: May 24, 2019; 17:00 EDT, USA

Prime Contract Number: 72066018C00001

USAID Source / Nationality (Geo) Code: 937

About Abt Associates:

Founded in 1965, Abt Associates Inc., is a mission driven, global leader in research and program implementation in the fields of health, social and environmental policy, and international development.

With a global staff of more than 3,000, and in over 60 countries, Abt Associates Inc., is recognized as an engine for social impact, fueled by caring, curiosity, and cutting-edge research that moves people from vulnerability to security. Whether it's welfare or weather disasters, the environment or economics, agriculture or HIV and AIDS, Abt Associates addresses the world's most pressing issues, and is known for its rigorous approach to solving complex challenges.

Approximately 51% of our staff has graduate degrees; one in six has a doctorate. Examples of Abt Associates work include nationally recognized research, evaluation, and technical assistance to improve efficiency of health care systems, effectiveness of government housing programs, the production of food, and the measurements of public opinion, and international public health.

Abt Associates has been ranked among top 20 global research firms and one of the top 40 development innovators. 

01. Click here to download the full document - DOCX format

02. Click here to download the Purchase Order Terms and Conditions OCT 2017 - DOCX format

03. Click here to download the Mandatory Flow Downs - PDF format

04. Click here to download the Vehicle minimum safety requirements ABT - DOCX format

05. Click here to download the Vehicle Worksheet DRC-IHP - DOCX format



6130 Executive Boulevard, Rockville, MD 20852 USA Office 301.634.1700, abtassociates.com

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