Factory Provide HDPE Plastic Particle CAS No. 90-402-88

Product Description
High density Polyethylene (HDPE): is a highly crystalline non-polar thermoplastic resin produced through the copolymerization of ethylene and a small amount of α-olefin monomer. HDPE is synthesized under low pressure and is therefore also called low-pressure polyethylene. HDPE is mainly a linear molecular structure and has little branching. It has a high degree of crystallization and high density. It can withstand high temperatures and has good rigidity and mechanical strength and anti-chemical corrosion

Properties:High density polyethylene for non-toxic, tasteless, no smelly white particles, melting point is about 130 ° C, relative density of
0.941 ~ 0.960. It has good heat resistance and cold resistance, chemical stability, but also has high rigidity and toughness, good
mechanical strength. Dielectric properties, environmental stress cracking resistance sex also is good
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Infos congo - Actualités Congo - Premier-BET - 01 octobre

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Référence : AN1 266 209 Publiée le 04.09.2024 AUTRE VILLE - AUTRE COMMUNE 27 vues

Factory Provide HDPE Plastic Particle CAS No. 90-402-88

Prix : 1 $
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Product Description
High density Polyethylene (HDPE): is a highly crystalline non-polar thermoplastic resin produced through the copolymerization of ethylene and a small amount of α-olefin monomer. HDPE is synthesized under low pressure and is therefore also called low-pressure polyethylene. HDPE is mainly a linear molecular structure and has little branching. It has a high degree of crystallization and high density. It can withstand high temperatures and has good rigidity and mechanical strength and anti-chemical corrosion

Properties:High density polyethylene for non-toxic, tasteless, no smelly white particles, melting point is about 130 ° C, relative density of
0.941 ~ 0.960. It has good heat resistance and cold resistance, chemical stability, but also has high rigidity and toughness, good
mechanical strength. Dielectric properties, environmental stress cracking resistance sex also is good

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Code MediaCongo : RFK2OBP
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