Community Engagement and Youth Advisor

Community Engagement and Youth Advisor


DRC, Kinshasa

The Community Engagement and Youth Advisor will work to build a relationship that enables community stakeholders to work together to address issues and promote well-being to achieve positive health impact and outcomes.

Reporting directly to the Program Manager, the Community Engagement and Youth Advisor will work closely with the country leadership to define the country's strategic social behavior change strategy involving in-country stakeholders through a user-centered design approach.

Ipas s’est fermement engagée à offrir un environnement de travail exempt de toute forme de harcèlement, de discrimination et d’iniquité. Nous recrutons, employons, formons, promouvons et rémunérons notre personnel sans égard à l’origine ethnique, l’âge, le sexe, la religion, l’origine nationale, la couleur, la religion, l’ascendance, la nationalité, caste, origine ethnique, identité régionale, identité tribale, l’état matrimonial, au statut d’ancien combattant, au service militaire, au handicap, à l’information génétique, l’identité de genre, l’expression de genre, au statut de transgenre, à l’orientation sexuelle ou toute autre caractéristique personnelle protégée par la loi ou définie par la politique d’Ipas. Ipas reconnaît que ces caractéristiques personnelles peuvent différer selon les contextes.

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Community Engagement and Youth Advisor

Publiée le 03/06/2021 | Réf. MCN : OEM29962
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Community Engagement and Youth Advisor


DRC, Kinshasa

The Community Engagement and Youth Advisor will work to build a relationship that enables community stakeholders to work together to address issues and promote well-being to achieve positive health impact and outcomes.

Reporting directly to the Program Manager, the Community Engagement and Youth Advisor will work closely with the country leadership to define the country's strategic social behavior change strategy involving in-country stakeholders through a user-centered design approach.

  • The Community Engagement and Youth Advisor will work to understand the Ipas strategic axes and tools related to community engagement, youth participation and the transformation of social norms for the capacity building of stakeholders (CBOs, INGO partners, government, etc.).
  • Develop tools, adapt, and contextualize global tools for use at the community level in the DRC and strengthen the capacity of local partners.
  • As Ipas is shifting in shared leadership, it is expected from the Community Engagement and Youth Advisor to be involved in communities of practice at the highest level of the organization and represent the experience of the DRC program, as well as apply knowledge acquired at this level to inform our program.
  • Define and apply the country's strategic intervention involving all stakeholders related to social behavior change and community engagement for the reduction of stigma and discrimination regarding women and girls.
  • Document behavioral change processes and share knowledge globally.
  • Capacity to work with social movements to advance women’s and girl’s right to access abortion.
  • Strengthen linkages between community and health system.
  • Collaborates with the Health Systems Advisor and the Policy and Partnership Advisor to develop, improve and implement community engagement activities and projects.
  • Manages relations with partner NGOs, community organizations and women's groups, ensures monitoring and assists in the implementation and management of programs
  • Support the development of proposals at the country level and lead the Community Engagement unit activity implementation involving different stakeholders.
  • Communicates with external project consultants to ensure projects are implemented appropriately and community specific content is highlighted where appropriate.

Ipas s’est fermement engagée à offrir un environnement de travail exempt de toute forme de harcèlement, de discrimination et d’iniquité. Nous recrutons, employons, formons, promouvons et rémunérons notre personnel sans égard à l’origine ethnique, l’âge, le sexe, la religion, l’origine nationale, la couleur, la religion, l’ascendance, la nationalité, caste, origine ethnique, identité régionale, identité tribale, l’état matrimonial, au statut d’ancien combattant, au service militaire, au handicap, à l’information génétique, l’identité de genre, l’expression de genre, au statut de transgenre, à l’orientation sexuelle ou toute autre caractéristique personnelle protégée par la loi ou définie par la politique d’Ipas. Ipas reconnaît que ces caractéristiques personnelles peuvent différer selon les contextes.

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