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Infos congo - Actualités Congo - Premier-BET - 08 avril 2024

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uand vous - 04.01.2022 - @JMKaravia, brace for what's coming, you haven't seen anything yet, fill up you dirty pitiful soul with more of the same consuming hatred, no one stopped you from positioning yourself for success and avoid becoming the bitter person that everyone can see that you are, little people like you will not stop us from continuing to do more of what we know how to do, which is succeed for the greater good of the people (even if that includes skunks like you, we're still going to make things happen). I know you're going to spew more of the same stupidities that you have been spewing, I really would not care less. UDPS VIVA!!! Whooh, I am dying to see your face, LOOOOL

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