Hager Werken Embalming Powder 100% +27781713423 Available In Cape Town.

Hager Werken Embalming Powder 100% +27781713423 Available In Cape Town. Hager Werken Embalming Compounds, Pink and white Powder are General items from Germany.
Embalming is the art and science of preserving human remains by treating them in their modern form with chemicals to forestall decomposition. The intention is to keep them suitable for public display at a funeral,
for religious or medical and scientific purposes such as their use as anatomical specimens.
Embalming compound in powder form both PINK and WHITE Radio active and (HOT and not HOT) is all available. At preferably adorable prices
Starting from one kilogram upwards, We are looking for a suitable buyer.
Typically embalming compound (fluid) contains a mixture of formaldehyde, methanol, and other solvents. The formaldehyde content generally ranges from 50 to 97 percent and the methanol content may range from 9 to 89 percent. The types of embalming powder depend on purity and color. Purity:98%,100% Hot Compound Origin: Germany Brand: Hager Werken PURITY ON COLOUR. pink 98% white 100% Distributor Dentist / Dental Technician Hager & Werken products are sold through the dental trade worldwide.
We are leading suppliers of Germany-made embalming compounds to clients in South Africa and other African states.

Contact +27781713423 or WhatsApp
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Infos congo - Actualités Congo - Premier-BET - 02 mai 2024

Petites annonces : Produits de Beauté, Santé et Soins du corps

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Référence : AN1 154 505 Publiée le 09.01.2023 LUBUMBASHI - Annexe 107 vues

Hager Werken Embalming Powder 100% +27781713423 Available In Cape Town.

Prix : 500 $
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Hager Werken Embalming Powder 100% +27781713423 Available In Cape Town. Hager Werken Embalming Compounds, Pink and white Powder are General items from Germany.
Embalming is the art and science of preserving human remains by treating them in their modern form with chemicals to forestall decomposition. The intention is to keep them suitable for public display at a funeral,
for religious or medical and scientific purposes such as their use as anatomical specimens.
Embalming compound in powder form both PINK and WHITE Radio active and (HOT and not HOT) is all available. At preferably adorable prices
Starting from one kilogram upwards, We are looking for a suitable buyer.
Typically embalming compound (fluid) contains a mixture of formaldehyde, methanol, and other solvents. The formaldehyde content generally ranges from 50 to 97 percent and the methanol content may range from 9 to 89 percent. The types of embalming powder depend on purity and color. Purity:98%,100% Hot Compound Origin: Germany Brand: Hager Werken PURITY ON COLOUR. pink 98% white 100% Distributor Dentist / Dental Technician Hager & Werken products are sold through the dental trade worldwide.
We are leading suppliers of Germany-made embalming compounds to clients in South Africa and other African states.

Contact +27781713423 or WhatsApp

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