TITRE DU POSTE : Investigator
TYPE DE CONTRAT : CDI assorti d’une période d’essai de 3 mois
Standard Bank RDC fait partie du plus grand groupe bancaire de l’Afrique en termes de capitalisation boursière dont le siège se situé à Johannesburg. Présente dans 38 pays dont 18 en Afrique, c’est depuis 1992 qu’elle opère au Congo à la suite de l’acquisition d’ANZ GrindlaysZaïre qui existait dans le pays depuis 1973.
Standard Bank RDC offre une gamme variée de produits et services par le truchement de ses diverses branches à travers la RDC via un réseau des intermédiaires (banques correspondantes). Nous avons développé une expertise dans la prestation des services liés aux besoins des entreprises minières, multinationales, Nations-Unies et autres organisations internationales opérant en République Démocratique du Congo.
Nos équipes allient leur connaissance approfondie sur les conditions et déterminants du marché en RDC à l’expertise du Groupe Standard Bank opérant dans les marchés émergeants aux fins de développement des solutions sur mesure répondant aux besoins de la clientèle.
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Job function*
Job family*
Risk Management
Job reports to*
DRC Head of Risk
Career type*
Job purpose description*
Conduct investigations into allegations of financial crime and irregularities within SBRDC as directed by the HoR. Complete investigations in accordance with the GIFR standards and methodologies aligned to adding value to the SBRDC business, in order to recover losses by securing criminal prosecution and civil action. Ensure that all administration and MIS is accurately updated as well as managing relationships with internal and external stakeholders effectively. In addition, to also support the HoR to implement pro-active fraud prevention and detection solutions throughout the Bank’s branches and business units through a fraud awareness programme designed to mitigate fraud risk and loss.
Job criticality
Operationally Critical
Key responsibilities*
Output group 1*
Pursue fraud that is committed against the Bank and its Customers.
Outputs and measures*
- Collect and analyse relevant information, identify modus operandi of incidents.
- Network within the various areas within the Bank and externally to resolve fraud issues.
- Ensuring compliance to defined processes, e.g. formulating case dockets, investigation reports, affidavits.
- Carry out investigations in determining the Bank’s exposure and to actively recover losses.
- Proactively assist to facilitate the early detection of fraud leveraging off hotlines and tip-offs.
- Network with Law enforcement agencies, auditing, legal and commercial organisations combating financial crime
- On each confirmed internal financial crime matter establish trends, identify modus operandi and provide remedial recommendations
- Execute the Anti-Fraud Strategy through prevention and detection, which will be aligned to Business Goals and priorities.
- Manage and ensure effectiveness of Fraud Stop programme.
Output group 2*
Proactive fraud prevention to safeguard the bank and its Customers through:
Outputs and measures*
- Analysing relevant information to proactively develop fraud awareness / detection methods
- Providing guidance and network within the various areas within the Bank and externally to develop fraud detection methods
- Proactively determining high risk Business Units and potential internal fraud and operational risks.
- Developing, implementing and managing fraud prevention and detection initiatives in country
- Proactively facilitating the early detection of fraud leveraging off hotlines and tip-offs.
- Managing and ensuring effectiveness of Fraud Stop programme
- Executing the Anti Fraud Strategy through prevention and detection, which will be aligned to Business Goals and priorities
- On each confirmed internal financial crime matter, establishing trends, identifying modus operandi and providing remedial recommendations.
Output group 3
Risk and Loss Management
Outputs and measures*
- Ensure the recovery of losses through all available legal remedies.
- Highlight control deficiencies to the Business stakeholders.
- Assess and pursue recovery prospects.
- Minimise reputational risk by interfacing with relevant parties.
- Take overall ownership and accountability for allocated cases from the point of allocation until their “formal” conclusion as per the defined processes.
- Apply knowledge and experience to identify fraud, risk and highlight to management.
- Identify process and procedural areas of weakness from Forensic reports and develop fraud risk mitigating controls to prevent re-occurrence.
Output group 4
Process and Case Management
Outputs and measures*
- Adhere to the proper process of case management from the allocation of investigations, providing constant feedback to ensure that investigation goals and objectives been reached.
- Attend all relevant Stake holder meetings.
- Providing daily stats, trends and relevant case information to Management and Business Heads to support and secure processes to minimize and prevent losses.
- Compiling case dockets for registration with the law enforcement agencies to expedite the tracing and attachment of moveable assets and arrests of suspects.
- Immediately report incidents discovered through investigations to the relevant business heads and GIFR regarding control deficiencies. Thoroughly investigate deficiencies and provide management with proper knowledge to address and to correct situations.
- Support investigation initiatives and training.
Output group 5
Customer Service
Outputs and measures*
- Timeous input to relevant report requirements (Exco, BAC, Risk Committees)
- Ensure effective customer service escalation matrix
- Address customer complaints timeously
- Hold regular meetings with assurance providers (Audit, Risk Assurance, Compliance) on high risk areas requiring focus, lessons learned and exchange of information.
- Development and maintain a culture in conjunction with Business that focuses on prevention of fraud and security losses.
Output group 6
Problem solving, planning and decision making
Outputs and measures*
Problem solving
- Has a sound recall of processes
- The ability to deal with a diversity of problems, using sound judgement and direction.
- The ability to deal with routine issues as well as customer interface when required.
- Ability to deliver results within agreed time frames.
Decision making
- Have the ability to make sound decisions based on the limited information, risk related factors and business needs.
- Minimum qualification: Bachelor’s degree or diploma in law/accounting/commerce or equivalent
- Sound grounding in financial services (preferably banking), investigations and fraud prevention
- Computer literate
- 3/5 years’ experience in conducting investigations and fraud prevention in the financial services industry
Personal competencies
- Written and verbal communication skills
- Good listening skills
- Stable temperament
- Assertive and resilient
- Decisive with the ability to make clear decisions
- Exacting – considers all the facts, options and outcomes prior to making decisions
- Intuitive
- Personable – friendly and open to others, with the ability to interact with ease
- Action orientated, persistent and resourceful
- Achievement orientated
- Tactful
- Principled and focused
- Positive and motivated
Les personnes intéressées sont priées d’adresser leurs candidatures par e-mail à l’adresse électronique info@standardbank.cd en reprenant l’intitulé du poste en objet de leur e-mail.Les dossiers comprendront uniquement une lettre de motivation ainsi qu’un Curriculum Vitae détaillé à jour renseignant les numéros de téléphone et adresses e-mails d’au moins trois personnes de référence.
Seuls les candidats de nationalité congolaise remplissant les critères susmentionnés seront considérés pour la suite du processus.
La date de clôture pour la réception des candidatures est fixée au vendredi 27 décembre 2019 à 17h00’.
La Direction des Ressources Humaines